Reflection on a song by the sea.

( A stream of consciousness note written to myself while listening to Cleo Sol by the sea )

photograph of the sea by mohini kaur gupta

Photograph by Mohini

Her songs and her lyrics are magic, the ocean is magic, moments like these are magic. We’re all always beautiful. Lessons from water are endless. Surrender is serenity. Sea shells may be tiny but are a whole world in themselves. There’s a happy dance waiting to be danced. There are treasures waiting to be found. Life is alive even when you aren’t feeling so alive. Solitude is necessary and doesn’t feel so lonely in good company. Vastness is beyond what we could ever imagine and this sentence is imagination manifested which happens all the time. Umbrella’s aren’t only for the rain. There’s so much left to be learnt and that makes for an interesting life.



A case for lowercase letters.


On learning the language of my heart.